Fusion - Summon Higher Champions

RarityUp Fusion

Two Champions of the same category merge to create a new Champion with a higher category.

The new Champion's level will be based on the average between the previous Champions.

The Champion's status will be also based on the average between the previous Champions. However, this average will be considered as the equivalent % to the new minimum/maximum's values of the category.

You can check the following example:

Here is the list of mergers between rarities


Common + Common


Uncommon + Uncommon


Rare + Rare


Epic + Epic


PowerUp Fusion

Two Champions of the same category will merge to receive an additional power.

The fusion slot will be filled after the fusion (one power glove).

You can only merge Champions with the same number of filled slots.

The new Champion's status and level will be the average between the previous Champions.

PowerUp Fusion increases all champion's attributes. There are three levels!

You can see the details below.

PowerUp 1PowerUp 2 PowerUp 3

+8% in all attributes

+14% in all attributes

+20% in all attributes

Last updated